Newport Beach Businesses

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It's simple. We ride cruisers and sell cruisers. This business is extremely fun and we love taking care of our customers.

Happy Hour: Mon–Fri: 3:30pm–6:30pm

If you are looking for a Newport Beach steakhouse, 21 Oceanfront is known for the best, juiciest prime-aged steaks. Imagine sinking your teeth into a mouth-watering filet mignon or a thick, tender cut of rib eye or New York at the best steak house…

Every yacht is a dream made real. An object of great beauty and an engineering marvel all at the same time. Ocean Alexander is obsessed with proving that our yachts’ unmistakable splendor and engineering excellence will never fail you. We’re…

You don’t have to be a die-hard Yogi to dine at True Food Kitchen. You need only a desire to give your body nutrients, and your palate something memorable. The basis for Dr. Andrew Weil’s anti-inflammatory diet isn’t meant to deprive a healthy body…